Obstacle Training

Obstacle training is firstly focused on FUN!
We have a team, Rumble Racing, which we encourage everyone to join and we train together in a style always ensuring that teamwork is a major factor in the sessions and our Obstacle training memberships give our member’s access to our Run sessions on Tuesdays, Bootcamp on Saturdays and also to take part in our indoor obstacle training session on Thursday evenings where we work on both strength and techniques.
We ensure that each session is varied and teaches not only the basics of obstacle training but also the basics of how to control your own bodyweight through exercising so as to ensure everything you do as you progress through your training comes from a safe platform.
At Rumble we believe in structure and goal setting when it comes to training and have devised an academy for OCR, the first of its kind in the country, where we train to a set of guidelines that can help an athlete determine what is needed at every stage of OCR and to measure success throughout every level.
Unique in its existence and proven by Sports Science it awards athletes at every stage of their learning and allows for both theory and practical application to ensure the success of any aspiring athlete, whether competitive or fun runner.

Our Coaches are of the highest standard in the industry and are some of the only coaches in the country to of been through structured training and assessments to be able to teach what they do. They are high performing athletes themselves having competed and placed well at National, European and World level alongside having a vast experience of the races themselves having raced in every major event in the country along with many from abroad as well.


Obstacle Membership
- Tue, Thu & Sat Sessions
Rumble Fit
- All fitness sessionns
Total Rumble Fit
- All sessions included